• Grand Cru Gojarine

    by Goldeen Jar™

    Organic Vegetable
    Aged in Oak Barrel
    100% Made in France
    by Ancestral Handcrafted Techniques
    Kept Secret and Passed Down from Generation to Generation
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    4000 years ago, in Gaul (France) long before the advent of Rome, Sucellos the Celtic God of life and crops, manifested himself to Gauls in the guise of a Druid recognized for his know-how of plants, water and salt.


    In his jar, he concocted a magic potion called the Gojarine. The Gojarine was renowned and prized by the Gauls because it offered them an iron health and a long life with vigorous children.


    Following the conquest of Gaul by Rome (52 BC), terrifiyed by the resistance of Gauls, the Roman Emperors banned Druidism and their Science. Nevertheless, Druidism would last for several centuries. The last Druids ended up disappearing with the Christianization of Europe.


    Fortunately, Sucellos shared his knowledge and know-how with five young apprentices selected for their patience, their keen sense of nature observation and their love of plants. These apprentices became Druids and in turn, in secrecy, passed on their knowledge to other apprentices.


    After a few thousand years, this know-how is now deployed by the Master Craftsmen of Goldeen Jar, the last heirs of a divine and ancestral Celtic tradition.

  • Do You Know These Names?

    Château Pétrus

    Château d'Yquem

    Château Margaux

    Domaine de la Romanée-Conti

    These names are famous French Vineyards

    producing the most Luxury Grand Cru Wines in the World.


    Just like these prestigious names,

    GOLDEEN JAR™ ambition is to offer you

    the most Luxury Grand Cru Gojarines.

    The Why of GOLDEEN JAR™?

    Because the time has come to enable you

    dear sophisticated client of luxury products

    to have access to the finest Gojarines.


    Until now the Gojarines were a privilege

    kept secret among discret cercles of French farmers and oenologists.


    Until now they kept this wonderful product for their own enjoyment

    to celebrate a new vintage of a Grand Cru Wine.


    But at GOLDEEN JAR™ we believe

    that our Grand Cru Gojarines should be unveiled to you

    for your pleasure, your health and your wealth.

  • Why You Should Invest?

    Your Benefits

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    Increase Your Wealth

    The price of dated jars of Grand Cru Gojarine increases year after year.

    Amass a treasure for you.

    Build up a heritage for your family.

  • Become a Selected Owner of Grand Cru Gojarine

    Order Now - Limited quantity - Only 1000 Jars will be produced for the 2020 Vintage!

    Guarantee: Our goal is to secure €300,000 before December 2020. If we do not reach our target, we will refund you at 100%.

    2020 Vintage Grand Cru Gojarine of Fermented Organic Green Cabbage - made by GOLDEEN JAR™

    2020 Vintage Grand Cru Gojarine of Fermented Organic Green Cabbage - made by GOLDEEN JAR™

    300,00 €
    Grand Cru Gojarine - Fermented Organic Green Cabbage - made by GOLDEEN JAR™
    Each jar contains 1 Kg net Gojarine ie fermented organic green cabbage.
    The green cabbage is from a local French organic-certfied farmer. The gojarine is made in oak barrels by a local French traditional gojarine maker. The gojarine is sealed in ultraviolet light filtering jar designed to allow the carbon dioxide CO2 produced by the lactic fermentation to escape out and forbid the oxygen O2 to enter in the jar. The jars are sealed with a traceability system insuring the authenticity and vintage of our product.
    Ships 2021-10.
    All options are out of stock
    Coming soon
  • Why You Should Invest in



    The 2020 Vintage Grand Cru Gojarine is the very first of its kind. The first time in the World History that a Grand Cru Gojarine will be produced by a team of passionate farmers and oenologists, and sealed in dated jars with a certification from the French Gov Authority.


    Only 1000 jars will be produced for this first ever vintage of 2020. Therefore, you will be the owner of a legendary product!


    Imagine if you were the owner of the oldest bottle of a Grand Cru Wine having a datation on it?

    Now you have the opportunity to possess a such incredible product with the 2020 vintage of Grand Cru Gojarine made by GOLDEEN JAR™!

  • Let's be bold!

    Become the UNIQUE OWNER of a legendary product:
    Pre-order 1000 jars of Grand Cru Gojarine
    for a total amount of €300,000.
    We offer you the storage of your jars
    in a highly-secured place during 5 years.
    Security: insurance cover of all your stocks representing the replacement value.
    Site protection: directly linked 24/7 to a security firm.
    Your name will enter in History,
    YOU will become a LEGEND!
    We will write YOUR NAME on the label
    alongside our brand GOLDEEN JAR™.
  • "They laughed when I invested in dated jars of Grand Cru Gojarine.

    But then they begged me to share with them!" - The Future You

    The New Asset to Have in Your Investment Portfolio!

    During the next 10 years, there will be more and more pandemics caused by infectious diseases

    inducing massive food crises all around the World.


    The dated jars of Grand Cru Gojarines are a perfect solution for you and your family.

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  • Product characteristics

    • The fermentation of vegetables generates lactic acid (but not alcohol) and the product is called Gojarine. The fermentation of grapes generates alcohol, and the product is called Wine.
    • Lactic fermentation of vegetables continues for years in the jar.
    • We can produce Gojarine from all kinds of vegetables such as cabbage gojarine (also called sauerkraut), carrot gojarine, radish gojarine … . We can also produce mixed gojarine with several vegetables.

    Grand Cru Gojarines by GOLDEEN JAR™ are made only with organic vegetables selected at the highest degree of maturity by certified French & Swiss farmers and prepared by skilled craft workers just like wine makers.

    • The vegetables (fermented organic green cabbage for this very first vintage ie 2020) are produced by local French organic-certified farmers, the varieties of vegetables we selected are ancient and rare ones (more flavors and aromas).
    • The vegetables are harvested at their highest degree of maturity without any chemicals to preserve them (as recommanded by the UE organic-farming cetification). Therefore, we can't wait or stock the vegetables before using them for the fermentation.
    • Then the fermentation itself is done in oak barrels (just like what is used for grand cru wine) under the supervision of our Master Gojariner (ie an oenologist expert in the lactic-fermentation of vegetables).
    • After several months, the Gojarine is sealed in ultraviolet light filtering jars designed to allow the carbon dioxide CO2 produced by the lactic fermentation to escape out and forbid the oxygen O2 to enter into the jar. The jars are sealed with a traceability system insuring the authenticity and vintage of our product.​

    All the process is certified by a French Gov Authority to insure you dear clients that you will have what we promise.


    Expensive by Design

    Therefore, you understand why the price is fixed at €300 for each jars containing 1Kg net product (price including the shippment).

    In fact, the launching price does not cover the cost of production (it's a symbolic price for the launch), therefore the price of vintages for the next years will be higher.


    • Lactic fermentation preserves vegetables safely in sealed jars for decades. 
    • Lactic fermentation allows the development of remarkable organoleptic properties - ie development of exceptional new fine aromas and flavors. 
    • Lactic fermentation allows the development of new vitamins, antioxydants, prebiotics and probiotics.
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    4000 years of traditional know-how, for the next 4000 years


    GOLDEEN JAR is an initiative launched by a team of Swiss organic farmers, oenologists, gojarine makers and entrepreneurs who engage their enthusiasm for the production of the finest gojarines.


    Our mission is to offer you the finest Grand Cru Gojarines for your pleasure, your health and your wealth.


    The GOLDEEN JAR initiative is led by Dr. Ari Massoudi, life scientist and entrepreneur.

  • Contact Dr. Ari Massoudi for a warm discussion

    We need your feedbacks!

  • blog

    Further Words about our Grand Cru Gojarines

    December 1, 2020 · grand cru,luxe,legumes,agriculture,vin
    PROBLEM Modern food (from the 1950s to today) in Western countries has become too rich and unbalanced, in particular, because of the massive spread of "junk food" (fast-food, snacks, sugary sodas) and ultra-processed industrial foods. This new diet compared to our diets of thousands of past...
    October 28, 2020 · wine,grand cru,organic food,luxury
    GOLDEEN JAR™ proposes to sophisticated clients of luxury products to acquire vintage jars of Grand Cru Gojarine aged in oak barrel. The vintage Grand Cru Gojarines:improve and increase in value over time,are a food reserve with high nutritional value that can be kept for decades,flatter your...
    October 21, 2020 · grand cru,vin,luxury,luxe
    GOLDEEN JAR™ propose à une clientèle sophistiquée amatrice de produits de luxe, d'acquérir des jarres millésimés de Gojarine Grand Cru élevée en fût de chêne. Les Gorjarines Grands Crus millésimées : se bonifient et prennent de la valeur avec le temps, sont une réserve alimentaire à haute...
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